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Charlie joins the Global IQ team

Global IQ Group had the pleasure of hosting Charlie Fraser-Mifsud, a Year 10 student from William Clarke College, for a work experience placement.

Charlie has an interest in marketing and entrepreneurism, with the vision to one day run his own business. From writing blog posts, photoshopping images and attending a client visit, Charlie had an action packed week of learning about our amazing clients.  We really enjoyed having Charlie join our team for the week and we’re excited for what the future holds for this bright young man. We were especially impressed with his curiosity about how the world of business works and his willingness to learn and embrace new things.

Hear from Charlie about his work experience week:

“The experience was packed with a variety of activities, from attending Zoom calls and assisting with client’s tasks to learning directly from Liza and webinars. I found myself deeply immersed in email communications and getting to know new faces within the industry. This week, I had the opportunity to meet some of the clients face-to-face, as well as connect with Andy Rizwandy, the senior graphic designer.

Some of the tasks included helping with formatting a new course for Institute for Sustainable Leadership, helping Andy with some file conversions, a blog post for Global IQ, creating some website content and I even got to attend a client meeting with Construction Specialties.

This intensive week provided invaluable insights into the world of marketing, particularly in witnessing Liza’s meticulous approach and her unwavering dedication to client satisfaction. While it was initially daunting, especially with deadlines looming, I gradually found my footing and adapted to the demands of the tasks at hand.

Shadowing Liza shed light on the intricacies of the profession, with each task presenting its own set of challenges and opportunities for growth. Whether it was crafting a blog post for Global IQ or assisting Andy with file conversions, I quickly learned the importance of contributing effectively within a team environment.

Undoubtedly, the highlight of the experience was joining a real client meeting, where I gained first hand exposure to the dynamics of client relations and the strategies employed by Liza to meet their needs effectively.

Global IQ exemplifies a commitment to excellence and client-centric values, making it an enriching experience to be part of their team, even if just for a week. I extend my sincere gratitude to Liza for her mentorship, hospitality, and trust to deliver work on time throughout the week.

I truly experienced what it’s like working in the marketing business.

In conclusion, my time at Global IQ has been both enlightening and rewarding, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills in the field of marketing.

Thank you, Global IQ, for an unforgettable experience.”



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